Experience Expansion Like Never Before
As human beings we are bound by our wounds and the wounds of those that came before us, ancestors, collective, etc. They often cause us to relinquish our innate sovereignty - the knowing that we belong to ourselves and have the ultimate authority over ourselves.
Sovereignty is one of the biggest kept secrets. It's not something that we are magically granted or have to seek out. It's in the remembering that we are sovereign that we remember and activate our individual and collective power.
Through the process of healing and remembering we shed the layers of muck around us.
We become able to respond to life around us rather than reacting. In the responding we find peace and neutrality.
This neutrality allows us to get to a place of living more symbiotically with life and the earth. We flow into a natural rhythm of growing, being nourished and nourishing others.
Awakening isn't just a miraculous enlightenment. It's about self-mastery, connection, and community.
This is why we have created Illuminated Warrior.
It's a place to be held and nurtured in the process of deeper understanding and awakening. Held not only in community but also by the energies of the Expansion Principle.
What is Illuminated Warrior?
Illuminated Warrior is a 12-month growth and expansion program that utilizes four main pillars to bring you to a great understanding of yourself and the way you move in the world. These understandings will help to bring you to a greater sense of peace.
Are you desiring continual support, connection & community?
Are you ready to create a foundation to grow & blossom?
Illuminated Warrior may be the right fit for you.
Quarterly Focuses
Each quarter, we'll focus on one "pillar" of the program.
Pillar 1) Illuminate
This Includes the Expansion Principle “Illumination Process” which is part ancestral and collective resonance clearing and part DNA activation. Illumination is a process of putting into place a specialized energetic blueprint for the structure and stability of your energy. It goes beyond DNA activation to create a holographic scaffolding that it unique to you. The Illumination Process is the middle ground between receiving a single EP transmission and becoming attuned to the Expansion Principle energies. You receive a constant energetic healing that comes with attunements, without the ability to transmit the Expansion energy to others.
Pillar 2) Activate
Tuning in to your values, who you are and how you show up in the world. During this pillar we will explore what Warriorship has meant across time and across cultures, ultimately allowing you to uncover what it means for you. Warriorship in daily life shows up as the courage to stand for what you believe in and the ability to follow through with action. It also shows up as feeling even more activated and clear on your mission and purpose. Our main goals in life are that of connection, community and of service. The Way of the Warrior isn't about becoming or achieve, it's the discovery of the NOW, this present moment.
Pillar 3) Flow
Being a human being on this planet Earth involves cycles. Many of us are incredibly resistant to change because of its connection with the unknown. However, the only constant is change. During this pillar we will learn about the many cycles that are available for us to tune into. You will have the opportunity to create a daily ritual to anchor your mornings and evenings. You will tune in to how your body and emotions flow through a month cycle, learning when you best need rest and when you are most supported in being active. We'll then flow into a seasonal understanding of planning our life based on seasonal energy. By doing so we are able to create a foundation that supports us regardless of what is occuring in our internal or external world.
Pillar 4) Relationships
We are built for connection, for relationship. In this Pillar we will feel into how we are currently showing up in relationships and how we desire to. This includes our relationship with ourselves, the earth, cosmos, and each other. We will dive deep into understanding of the energetic dynamics of relationships and how to make adjustments to deepen connection and communication.
You'll receive all of this for just 12 payments of $111.
1:1 Upgraded Enrollment available for only $444
Course curriculum
Welcome to the Illumination Process
Accessing & Working with your EP Illuminated Scaffolding
Working with your Scaffolding
About this course
- $555.00
- 3 lessons
- 0 hours of video content
It's easy to say this will change your life. As cliche as it is, it's true. These are some of the ways how Illuminated Warrior and the Illumination Process will benefit you.
DNA activation
Access to more of your unique talents and abilities that are lying dormant
Increased overall health and vitality
Greater connection to nature and the world around you
Greater connection to yourself
Continual healing on deep levels including ancestral lines, past lives and parallel experiences
Greater sense of peace and calm
Increased sense of purpose
Meet Dr. Alexis Edwards
Your Mentor for Illuminated Warrior
Dr. Alexis Romeu
Summer Enrollment
Don't miss out!
- 00 Days
- 00 Hours
- 00 Minutes
- 00 Seconds
What is the Expansion Principle?
The Expansion Principle also known as EP, is an energy healing modality/technology channeled by Dr. Alexis Edwards. She began channeling EP in 2015 through/ with an inter dimensional being called Simon. Dr. Alexis utilized the energy in her private practice in hundreds of sessions before she received the guidance that it was to be shared in a larger way with the world and become a modality. EP heals at the seed of an issue, the very beginning of a resonance.
Can I join for just 1 module?
At this time we feel the Illuminated Warrior is a cohesive self mastery program. As such we believe strongly in the importance of all the pillars together.
This seems like a lot of content, how much time will I need to invest?
Great Question. Each month is somewhat self paced. The biggest commitment is to attending the live mentoring calls each month. We estimate a total of 2 - 4 hours each month depending on how deep you choose to dive into the material and exercises.
I don't know if I'm ready, can't I just enroll next time?
Yes, you could. Illuminated Warrior will have a quarterly enrollment period. That being said, there is never a perfect time for anything. Do you want to wait on being fully supported on this journey called life? One of the biggest reasons to enroll now is that you will receive the Illumination Process right away. When joining during a different enrollment period you will have to wait until the Illuminate Pillar begins again next spring.
Why does the Illumination Process matter so much?
The Illumination Process is our proprietary version of DNA activation. It's the process by which you become activated to the Expansion Principle energies. It enables your body and system to have full access to personal healing at all times. Your 5 bodies (Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, Mental and Energetic) have a custom holographic blueprint to support your growth throughout the lifelong awakening process. Having the support allows there to be more ease in the process. The Illuminated Warrior program materials are in large part in support of the Illumination Process.